I M µA System
Impedance Monitoring microAmperage (μA)
Electro-Acuscope 70C - Home Model
This Instrument is prescribed for personal, at-home use. It is recommended to patients
who require on-going treatment for neurological disorders and persistent, chronic pain syndromes.
Popular because it is lightweight and can be easily moved from room to room, it can be used while lying in bed, on a couch, or sitting in your favorite recliner chair. Many patients who own their own I M µA Neuro System Home Model will still come to the clinic for the I M µA – Facial Rejuvenation & Micro-Muscular (muscle-tendon-ligament-fascia) treatment.
Self-application procedures include:
maintaining the “batteries” of the body (our 4 trillion cells) at “full charge” capacity for a feeling of energy and vitality throughout the day
addressing any aggravating joint pain
back and spine issues (requires someone else to treat your back)
reducing swelling, heat, inflammation
improving circulation
eliminating tension headaches
using the Ear Clip and/or Head Band Electrodes for stress-relief, relaxation of nerves and improved sleep