N-LAL LessFatâ„¢ Series Assisted Lipolysis
N-LAL LessFatâ„¢ Series is revolutionary because...
It uses light therapy to open channels in fat cells to release fat.
N-LAL LessFatâ„¢ Series opens channels in fat cells.
Channels release free fatty acids and glycerol.
Fat cells shrink up to 50%.
The benefits are non-invasive lipolysis without cutting or needles, which is much safer and a lot less
expensive than liposuction, with the added benefit of moderate skin tightening.
All you have to do is wear the N-LAL LessFatâ„¢ Series treatment heads on the area you want to treat and do moderate physical activity so all the released fat is metabolized by your body.

N-LAL LessFatâ„¢ Series releases stubborn fat...
N-LAL LessFatâ„¢ Series will release anywhere from 300 to 500 calories of fat per treatment
Your body will utilize these 300 to 500 calories of fat as if you had eaten them for lunch. This helps to
prevent post-treatment hunger.
MUST follow a 1200 calorie-a-day program while doing N-LAL LessFatâ„¢ Series.
As channels of fat cells stay open for about 24 hours post treatment, an additional 500 to 1000 calories may be released and utilized by your body.
Most people need 2400 calories daily. If you eat more, all fat calories will go back into the fat cells preventing weight and inch loss.
N-LAL LessFat™ Series is the ONLY portable fat reducing system to be worn while exercising. Target stubborn areas to lose those last few inches. 

Why choose N-LAL LessFatâ„¢ Series?
NO Surgery
NO Downtime
NO irregular weight gain
NO liposuction weight gain deformity
Fraction of the cost of liposuction