I M μA
Impedance Monitoring microAmperage (μA)
The two Muscle Stimulation modalities are calibrated differently:
one is for the small, micro-muscles of the head-neck-face, fingers and toes;
the other is adjusted to address large body muscles and massiveconnective tissue structures (muscle-tendon-ligament-fascia) and joints.
Both are part of the three unit Complete Clinical System.
Electro-Myopulse 75L - Large Muscle Calibration
The I M µA Body Muscular System – Large Muscle Calibration is a Large Muscle Stimulation microcurrent modality – it is the third component of the I M μA Complete Clinical System.
It is used in combination with the Neuro System for cellular regeneration of connective tissue cells in the large body structures; i.e., the back, the joints (ankles-knees-hips-shoulders-elbows-wrists). It is applied directly to the painful site of new/acute injury, as well as old/chronic pain syndromes.
By strengthening electrical potentials in the contractile cells of weak and/or atrophied muscles-tendons-ligament-fascia and/or diminishing the excessive “firing off” that causes knots, spasms, tense, tight bands of connective tissue:
strength and flexibility return to joints
normal range of motion is restored as tension is released
tissue damage repairs where injury has caused tears and ruptures
by improving circulation of blood and fluids, post-injury and post-op swelling is reduced
acute sprains and strains, and twists respond immediately
scar tissue softens and old painful problems can finally resolve
bones mend more quickly as the surrounding soft tissue is nourished with improved circulation of blood and lymph